Saturday, April 28, 2012


Wicket Commission WORK-IN-PROGRESS

This is Wicket, a 16 x 20 commissioned portrait I’ve been working on. The reference photo the client  sent is soooooo cute! After I’d been working on this underpainting for a while, I realized I was smiling, and probably had been pretty much the whole time. Not a bad way to spend a Saturday afternoon.

I haven’t stopped very often to take progress photos, but here are the ones I have so far:

I transferred my initial sketch to the Gessobord with black transfer paper, and went over it loosely with black and indigo acrylic. Then I started defining the highlights with quinacrodone rose and cadmium yellow, and the shadows with indigo.

Next I started layering in glazes of rose, indigo, and burnt umber to deepen and enrich the colors of the underpainting.

And here’s where she is so far. You can’t see it in this photo, but I added a layer of iridescent gold and copper to the background areas so it has a subtle glisten to it. I don’t know how much of this I’ll let show through when I add in the oils for the background ... we’ll see! Next I’ll starting adding the oil colors ... check back on Monday for more of Wicket ...

Until then ... happy painting!

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