After I scanned the first version for the poster, I developed the center area with more color to enhance the painting as a work of art in itself. All proceeds from the sale of this painting will go to Emanuel Hospice in Oradea, Romania, for the purchase of medical equipment
and art therapy supplies.

Be Transformed ©2010 Karen Mathison Schmidt
24 x 36 x 2 • acrylic on 2" cradled Gessobord
“God’s Love and Compassion in Action”
Emanuel Hospice was founded in 1996 by a team of dedicated Christian professionals, in response to the desperate plight of adult cancer patients sent home to die with little or no professional medical/nursing care or medication. The hospice offers palliative care services to adults with a confirmed diagnosis of advanced cancer and to children (0-18 yrs) diagnosed with a life-threatening or life limiting condition confirmed by a medical specialist. All services are completely free for both adults and children and are provided regardless of ethnic origin or religious beliefs.