Saturday, June 28, 2008

I love Saturday morning

This morning after I fed the dogs, took them for a short walk and swept the kitchen floor, and before Paul got up, I dragged a chair along with a footstool and little table into the parlor where the morning light is just delicious, and sat down with my coffee and new Country Living magazine, which came a couple of days ago but which I was saving until this morning. (Notice the stack of sheet rock on the left, waiting to go up on the wall to the right.)

After a long, luxuriously quiet while, I looked up from my reading to see my friend Linda waving at me through this window:

Drop in company! I love it! We don’t get as much as we used to when we lived in town, so it’s quite a treat.

This morning Linda and her friend Keith had just been down to
Ed Lester’s, a local farm a little way south of us where they sell all kinds of produce in season (and which, by the way, was just featured in Southern Living magazine!) and they were loaded down with all kinds of fresh goodies from the farm. They decided to pop in for a short visit on their way back into Shreveport, to see our progress on the house and to share their goodies with us.

So now there are just-picked-this-morning, newly washed tomatoes on the drainboard ...

... and lovely, fresh picked peaches ripening on the window sill.

I love Saturday morning ... thanks, Linda and Keith!

And now, the project for Saturday afternoon: Cleaning off the upstairs sleeping porch, Part II.

Part I was last Saturday. Check back later to see some of the treasures I’ve extracted from this chaos!

I wonder what I’ll find today ...

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