Our youngest “pups,” Sophie and Blue, are two years old today. Here they when they were just little tykes ... they’re the ones nearest Matilda’s head ... the third one, Jack, lives the high life in Keithville now, having been adopted by our house painter when he was nine weeks old.

Sophie, just waking up from a nap, and wondering what in the world is that little black box thing I keep holding up to my face.

Blue, in his natural state. Look at all that skin! Good thing, though, because as it turned out he was going to need all that extra to grow into.

Exploring the back yard.

Posing for the paparazzo. Look at those ears!

All grown up, and enjoying a life of doggie luxury here at Edgewood. Still wondering after two years what in the world is that little black box thing that I keep holding up to my face.

Sofas to nap on; squirrels, raccoons and the occasional possum to chase; two squares a day; chew bones galore; Animal Planet on the tube.
Who could ask for more?