Saturday, February 21, 2015

Ladies in Waiting

The weather man (a.k.a. the Weather Channel app on my phone) says we are in for a few very wintery days in the week ahead, including maybe some snow(!), so in the midst of STILL packing and cleaning and sorting and otherwise preparing for our move -- yes, I’m still at it but I see a glimmer of light at the end of this tunnel -- I decided to take advantage of the last couple of days of springy temps to get out and gather some daffodils!

These little bundles of sunshine are now sitting on my kitchen table waiting to be made into gift bouquets.

And probably a painting or two. Or three. Soon. 

Now that we are so close to our move, I’m really itching to getting back to the easel!

1 comment:

Alan said...

You could paint the first and last pictures and title
them "March of the Daffodils"