Grateful Praise ©2008 Karen Mathison Schmidt
30 x 30 • acrylic on 2" cradled Gessobord
No, the title of this post does not refer to my painting, but to this:

YESSIREE! It's the Rival Two Way Ice-O-Mat, circa 1945-50, in lemon yellow, which I found in its original box yesterday when I was cleaning out one of the storage closets in the tiny room at the end of the downstairs hall. The Guarantee was a little mouse eaten, but the info card is still in good shape.

This little card is chock full of information, like that the Two Way Ice-O-Mat not only crushes ice, but it does it in either one of 2 ways: coarse or fine. That makes it at least twice as good as the plain old Ice-O-Mat.

Also illustrated are the many uses for crushed ice from this baby – you can use the crushed ice in chilled fruits & salads, cold drinks, ice bags, vacuum bottles (which I gather from the picture is what we new millenniumites call a “thermos”), making ice cream & chilled desserts, electric mixers (which from the picture is really a blender). Yes, ladies & gentlemen, these are just a few of the reasons the Rival Two Way Ice-O-Mat belongs -- yes,
belongs in your Kitchen ... Home Bar ... Recreation Room!
I especially like the blurb under the SAFER heading:
"Patented metal fingers within cover guide the ice. You do not use your own fingers because of this exclusive safety feature." ... Whew! What a relief! It's nice to know that I can grind my ice cubes without risking grinding my actual fingers in the process.

And if you think the Ice-O-Mat is the cat's pajamas – or the living end, or the most, or groovy, or far out, or the bomb, or tight - which is about as up to date as my knowledge of slang gets - just get a load of the other swell products available from Rival:

The Juice-O-Mat (3 different models!)
The Vogue Ice-O-Mat (for the oh so fashionable kitchen)
The Can-O-Mat
The Grind-O-Mat
The Broil-O-Mat
The Shred-O-Mat
The Steam-O-Matic Deluxe Steam and Dry Iron
so much MORE!Dude. I don't know about you, but my mind is officially blown. I think I need a nap.