Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Psalm of Light

Inspiration by Karen Mathison Schmidt
9 x 12 • watercolor on cold pressed paper

In a daily devotional sent to all the members of our choir, our minister of music encouraged us to write a psalm today and sing it to God in a time of personal worship.

Here’s the psalm I wrote:
God, my God, God of all,
Creator of me,
Creator of the universe,
there are no earthly words adequate to describe you.

There is no way I can even imagine in fullness how beautiful
how great,
how kind,
how loving,
how splendid,
how intelligent,
how strong,
how gracious,
how magnificent,
how wonderful
You are.

I can't grasp your perfection.

You know me completely, you know what I enjoy, and you provide it, though I don't deserve it – I am amazed by Your kindness. This morning I am filled with gratitude for light; I marvel at it.

Thank You for creating it. Thank You for waking me with it.
Thank You for giving me eyes to sense it,
the way it reflects,
the way it reveals color,
the way it dances with shadow,
the way my brain uses it to make sense of everything I see.

Please show me how to let Your everlasting Light, the Light of the World, the Light of Men, be reflected in my life so that others may see You through me.

Thank You for the light, Thank You for my life,
Thank You, Thank You, Thank You

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