Wednesday, August 20, 2014

More dog painting progress ...

Untitled dog painting work-in-progress • 9 x 12 inches • oil on cradled GessobordTM

I’ve had a few other projects going on this week, but today I was back at the easel with the Roadie painting and the beginnings of a new landscape featuring the oak trees out front.

AND I received my artist check-in instruction letter from the Red River Revel today. It’ll be only six short weeks away as of this coming Saturday.

Excitement abounds.

Happy painting!

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Battle of the Pet Portrait stars

Untitled dog portrait in progress • 9 x 12 oil on cradled GessobordTM

Got a late start on this one today, but I did make a little more progress before dark. Roadie’s markings make him both fun and challenging to paint. At first glance you might think, oh, a black-and-white dog. But in addition to his blue merle coloring (black, gray and white), he also has a good bit of red and dark brown mixed in. On my palette that translates to mostly black, Prussian blue, dioxanine mauve, French ultramarine, burnt sienna, Persian red, raw umber, burnt umber (again the question comes to mind: why no cooked-to-perfection umber?) and white. 

Oh, and cadmium yellow medium, cadmium orange, vermilion and yellow ochre to round things out. 

And, just for fun and to keep things lively, Caribbean blue, turquoise light, quinacrodone magenta and brilliant rose.

Notice how some of his markings are clearly defined, and some sort of blur into one another. Fun. Almost as much fun as painting Jo.

Almost. Or maybe more, hard to say.

It’s a pretty close call.

Uh-oh ...

… looks like we may have a new contender for the title of “most fun to paint” 
on the horizon!

Monday, August 11, 2014

Shady Garden Path landscape


Shady Garden Path  © 2014 Karen Mathison Schmidt
16 x 16 inches • oil on 1.5-inch deep cradled GessobordTM
private collection, Shreveport, Louisiana

I loved playing with the light in this one. I wasn’t sure where it was going to end up when I got the idea from a teeny photo in one of my old garden magazines, but it sure was fun getting there. 

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Guess Who

 If you’ve been following my blog for a while, it’ll be easy to guess.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Ready to jump in

Concentration  © 2014 Karen Mathison Schmidt
8 x 8 inches • oil on 3/4" cradled Museum Series GessobordTM
gloss varnish for UV protection
sides painted dark umber, so can be displayed with or without a frame


I thought the painting was done earlier, then after living with it for about five minutes I decided to soften Ray’s nose and mouth a bit. I made the reference photo super huge on my computer screen so I could see it without my glasses as I made the final adjustments. 

Pontoufle, who is now big enough to jump from the floor to my desk chair, and from there to the desk, wandered over and studied the picture on the computer screen for a moment, then turned to face me.

Hey, when are you gonna paint moi? 

(Since he has a French name he likes to slip a French word or two 
into the conversation whenever he can.)

Je suis ready … put me in, coach!

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

One part reference photo, two parts memory, and a generous dash of imagination

Mystery is the essential element of every work of art.


16 x 16 inches • oil on 1-1/2" deep cradled GessobordTM

Here’s another painting in progress, inspired by a teeny photo in an old garden magazine. I started right in on the underpainting without a sketch, just to see where the painting would go.

So far it’s been a wonderful adventure!

Cat painting progress

 Untitled work-in-progress • 8 x 8 inches • oil on cradled GessobordTM

Just a quick update on this one …

Check back later for the finished painting!

Monday, August 4, 2014

Raffles, cover cat!

I love cats because I enjoy my home;
and little by little, they become its visible soul.


Ol’ Blue Eyes  © 2013 Karen Mathison Schmidt

This picture is a detail of a commissioned painting I did last year of a ragdoll cat named Raffles. I’m honored and excited that Ol’ Blue Eyes was chosen as the cover art for the August 15, 2014, issue of the Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, which will hit newsstands this week! Woo-hoo!

Well, okay, maybe not newsstands, but animal hospitals and veterinarians’ offices and university veterinary departments and various other places of that ilk. That still calls for a hearty “woo-hoo!” in my book.

When I told Raffles’ Mom about the upcoming cover, she said, “I always 
knew he was a star!”

You can see art which has graced the covers of previous issues of JAVMA

Raffles  © 2013 Karen Mathison Schmidt
9 x 12 inches • oil on cradled GessobordTM
private collection • El Paso, Texas

Signed and numbered Limited Edition 
fine art prints are available

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Summer Road, complete!

Summer Road  © 2014 Karen Mathison Schmidt
16 x 16 inches • oil on 1-1/2" deep cradled GessobordTM

High on my list of favorite things is driving down a 
shade dappled country road in the summertime. 

Few things are quite so delicious.

Painting a shade dappled country road in the summertime is right up there, too.